Identifying Causes & Symptoms of Stomach Infection: Know The Signs
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Stomach Infection Causes & Symptoms: Know the Signs

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Monday, 2 September, 2024

Often referred to as the "stomach flu," gastroenteritis is a viral illness that causes inflammation in the intestines and stomach, resulting in symptoms like cramping, vomiting, and diarrhea. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this condition is essential for effective management and prevention, ensuring quick recovery and reducing the risk of complications.

What is Gastroenteritis or what is Stomach Flu?

Understanding what is Gastroenteritis? Often referred to as the "stomach flu,"this is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by a viral infection. Numerous unpleasant symptoms are caused by this illness, which mostly affects the digestive system.Unlike influenza, which is a respiratory illness, gastroenteritis affects the gastrointestinal tract. Contaminated food, water, or contact with an infected person is the main way that the infection is spread.

Symptoms of Stomach Infection

1. Belly Pain

One of the most common stomach infection symptoms is stomach ache. Gas and bloating frequently occur along with the pain, which can range mild discomfort to severe cramps. The irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining put on by the viral infection is the cause of this discomfort.

2. Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite is a common side effect of gastroenteritis. This may result feeling too sick to eat, or experiencing nausea, or vomiting. As part of the body's reaction to the virus, appetite is decreased, which helps prevent nausea and vomiting from getting worse.

3. Chills

A typical stomach flu symptom that frequently coexists with fever is chills. Abrupt bouts of chills and shivering may be the result of the body's attempt to fight off the virus. The reason for these chills is that the body is attempting to increase its temperature to make the environment less favorable for the virus.

4. Fatigue

It's natural to feel tired and fatigued when you have a stomach infection. The individual feels tired and worn out as a result of the body's energy being focused on eradicating the illness. As the body continues to heal, this discomfort may continue for long after other symptoms have disappeared.

a man naps in office

5. Body Aches

Another stomach flu symptom is body aches, which hurt the joints and muscles. The body's inflammatory reaction to the infection is what caused this. The immune system releases chemicals to combat the virus, which can also cause muscle pain and joint discomfort.

6. Fever

The stomach flu usually comes accompanied by a mild to severe temperature. The body naturally reacts to infection with a fever to help fight off the viruses that are causing the illness. Elevated body temperature has the potential to suppress viral replication and boost immune function.

Stomach Infection Symptoms in Adults

The aforementioned symptoms may be present in adults with gastroenteritis to varied degrees. Diarrhea, dehydration, headaches, and vomiting are a few more symptoms. Adults must drink plenty of water and get as much rest as they can in order to heal. Drinking clear fluids, oral rehydration solutions, or broths is crucial because severe dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea is one of the stomach infection symptoms in adults. For comprehensive care and treatment, consider visiting a gastroenterologist in Bangalore.

Stomach Flu Symptoms in Infants

Stomach infection in infants symptoms may exhibit such as irritability, crying, poor feeding, and decreased urination. Diarrhea and vomiting are common stomach flu symptoms in infants. It's important to keep an eye out for signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth and inadequate tears when crying. Infants are at risk for dehydration, so it's critical to make sure they get enough fluids through breastfeeding, formula, or oral rehydration solutions.

Magnifying glass with bacteria on stomach

Causes of Stomach Infection

1. Noroviruses

People of all ages can get viral gastroenteritis, with noroviruses being a major cause. These extremely contagious viruses can transfer from person to person as well as through contaminated surfaces, food, and water. Owing to the ease of transmission, gastroenteritis and norovirus outbreaks are frequent in enclosed spaces such as nursing homes, schools, and cruise ships. This norovirus vomiting bug is well known for delivering severe and unexpected episodes of diarrhea and vomiting.

2. Rotavirus

Rotavirus typically causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in newborns & young children. It spreads by the fecal-oral route, frequently as a result of contaminated food and water or improper hand hygiene. In many countries, immunization has greatly decreased the prevalence of rotavirus infections; but, in regions with lower vaccination rates, the disease still poses a threat. A rotavirus infection can cause severe dehydration, so getting help quickly is crucial.

3. Astrovirus

Another virus that can cause gastroenteritis is the astrovirus, which is more common in small children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. Astrovirus causes mild to moderate diarrhea, and while it's not as serious as rotavirus or norovirus illnesses, it still requires proper care. Even though the symptoms of gastroenteritis caused by astrovirus are usually milder, they must be treated with attention to hygiene and cleanliness to prevent spreading.

4. Adenovirus

Adenovirus can cause gastroenteritis, especially in children under two years old. This virus can also cause respiratory illness and conjunctivitis. It spreads by respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, and close human contact. Adenovirus infections can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from a little case of gastroenteritis to serious respiratory problems.


It is important to understand what is stomach flu & how does it spread in order to prevent it. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment can help in managing the condition effectively. It's important to practice good hygiene, stay hydrated, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or persist. Awareness and prevention strategies can significantly reduce the incidence and impact of this common illness. For specialized care and treatment, consider visiting a gastroenterology hospital in Bangalore.


1. How do you treat stomach flu?

Stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, is mainly treated by staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and gradually reintroducing bland foods like toast or rice. Over-the-counter medications can help with symptoms, but it's essential to consult a doctor before taking them. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.

2. How long does a stomach flu last?

Stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, typically lasts 1 to 3 days. However, symptoms can sometimes persist for up to 10 days, depending on the cause and severity of the infection. Most people start feeling better within a few days with proper rest and hydration.

3. How does stomach infection spread?

Stomach flu spreads primarily through contact with contaminated food, water, or surfaces. It can also spread person-to-person via the fecal-oral route, especially if proper hand hygiene is not practiced after using the restroom or handling contaminated items.

4. Is stomach infection dangerous?

Stomach flu is usually not dangerous and most people recover with proper care. However, it can be serious, especially for infants, older adults, or individuals with weakened immune systems. The main risk is dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to severe complications if not treated.

Author doctor name

Dr. Vinay C

Consultant - Medical Gastroenterologist

MBBS MD (Internal Medicine) DM (Medical Gastro)


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