Educational Qualifications
MBBS,MD, DrNB(Critical Care Medicine)
- Junior consultant -Department of cri2cal care medicine, Narayana Hrudayalaya, Health city Bengaluru
- Senior Resident- Department of internal medicine, Rajasthan University of health sciences, Jaipur
Cardiac Critical Care, ECMO, Ventricular Assist Devices, Cardiac and Lung transplantation, Hemodynamic Monitoring, Toxicology
Research & Publications
- Occurrence of Sick Euthyroid syndrome in STEMI & its prognos2c significance, IPJR DOI 10.36106
- Co-Author of a chapter “Delirium in Intensive Care Unit & its evalua2ons, management”- Bench to bedside, Textbook of cri2cal care medicine 2022 Jaypee publica2ons
- Management of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Intensive care unit Ijccm-22-571
- A retrospec2ve study on prevalence of caro2d artery stenosis in acute ischemic stroke in popula2on of south Rajasthan IPJR 2021- 2205.10.36016
- A study on complica2ons of thrombolysis in Acute STEMI & reperfusion injury
Affiliations & Memberships
- Karnataka Medical council (KMC)
- Indian Society Of Cri2cal Care Medicine (ISCCM)
- The associa2on of physicians of India (API)
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