Advanced MICS Procedure in Bangalore | Kauvery Hospitals
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Welcome to Kauvery Hospital, Where Your Heart Health Is In Good Hands

As heart diseases become increasingly prevalent, the necessity for cardiac surgeries rises as well.

Although heart surgery has become highly standardised and successful, the conventional approach often deters patients due to the requirement of fully cutting open the breastbone, resulting in lengthy scars.

To alleviate this concern, Kauvery Hospital offers Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) in Bangalore, also known as "keyhole" heart surgery, as part of its advanced cardiac invasive procedures.

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doctors performing surgery

MICS Care at Kauvery - Where care meets innovation!

Minimal bleeding, reducing transfusion requirements

You need not worry about complications like transfusion requirements as there is very less bleeding.

Smaller, more cosmetically appealing scars

Post surgical scars are minimal, as a result you don’t feel you have had a major procedure, cosmetically.

Earlier hospital discharge

You go back home early, that reduces risk of hospital induced infections and keeps hospital bills within affordable limits.

Reduced pain

You hardly feel any pain compared to conventional methods.

Preserved lung function

Your lung function remains intact, while your heart gets healed.

Faster recovery

You get well and back on track way too fast.

What is MICS?

MICS stands for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery.

It's a surgical approach used in cardiac procedures where the surgeon performs operations on the heart through small incisions in the chest, rather than traditional open-heart surgery that requires a large incision through the breastbone.

At Kauvery, MICS offers several advantages including reduced pain, less blood loss, faster recovery, and smaller scars compared to traditional surgery.


Customized Solutions, infinite Heart Wellness: Dive into types of MICS at ours

Our expert surgeons ensure customised MICS procedures, depending on the individual requirements of every patient. At Kauvery, you will get the following MICS options:


A smaller incision is made in the sternum, providing access to the heart while reducing trauma compared to traditional sternotomy.


Surgery performed through a small incision on the side of the chest, avoiding the need to cut through the breastbone.

Robotic Cardiac Surgery

Utilises robotic technology to enhance precision and control during minimally invasive cardiac procedures.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)

Involves the use of a tiny camera and instruments inserted through small incisions to perform Thoracic surgery while visualizing the surgical field on a monitor.

Hybrid MICS

Combines minimally invasive surgical techniques with other procedures like catheter-based interventions for comprehensive treatment of complex cardiac conditions.

Transcatheter Valve Therapies

Minimally invasive procedures involving catheters to repair or replace heart valves without the need for open-heart surgery.

 doctor conducting a treadmill test

Who Qualifies For MICS?

Depending on your condition, your doctor might suggest Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS). Here are the symptoms that indicate you might need MICS:

  • When you require cardiac surgery with a preference for minimally Cardiac invasive procedure.
  • When you are seeking reduced post-operative pain and faster recovery.
  • When you have conditions necessitating heart surgery but you wish to avoid extensive scarring.
  • If you have specific risk factors or comorbidities that make traditional open-heart surgery less favourable.
  • In case you are experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue due to cardiac issues.

Cardiac Diseases that require Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery(MICS):

Your doctor may recommend MICS for you in case you have the following conditions:


Valve Repairs and Replacements:

Repairing or replacing damaged heart valves to restore proper blood flow.


Aortic Surgeries:

Surgical procedures involving the aorta, such as repairing aneurysms or dissections.


Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG):

Surgery to create new routes for blood flow to bypass blocked or narrowed coronary arteries.


Tumours in the Heart:

Abnormal growths or masses within the heart tissue.


Congenital Heart Defects:

Structural abnormalities present at birth affecting the heart's structure and function.


Cardiac Arrhythmias:

Irregular heartbeats or abnormal heart rhythms.

Kauvery Hospital's MICS: Overview

At Kauvery Hospital, our commitment to advancing cardiac care is demonstrated by our cutting-edge Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) techniques. Using the latest technology, our expert team offers patients safer, more effective, and less invasive treatment options for various cardiac conditions.

Robotic technology increases precision and accuracy in cardiac procedures.

Robotic-assisted cardiac surgery at Kauvery Hospital uses advanced robotic systems to perform complex heart procedures with unprecedented precision.

This approach minimises the need for large incisions, resulting in less trauma to the body and quicker recovery times. The robotic system translates the surgeon's movements into smaller, more precise actions using miniaturised instruments, improving accuracy and reducing the risk of complications.

Patients benefit from shorter hospital stays, reduced pain, and faster return to daily activities.

Robotic-assisted techniques are particularly effective for mitral valve repairs, coronary artery bypass grafting, and other intricate cardiac surgeries, providing a high degree of safety and efficiency.

VATS provides a minimally invasive alternative for thoracic surgeries.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) at Kauvery Hospital is a state-of-the-art technique used for various thoracic and cardiac procedures.

This minimally invasive method involves using a thoracoscope – a thin tube with a camera – inserted through small incisions in the chest. The thoracoscope provides a high-definition view of the heart and surrounding structures, allowing surgeons to perform complex procedures without needing large, open-chest surgery.

VATS significantly reduces postoperative pain, lowers the risk of infection, and accelerates the healing process.

It's an ideal choice for procedures like lobectomies, mediastinal tumour excisions, and certain types of cardiac surgeries, offering patients a safer and more comfortable surgical experience.

This kind of surgery combines traditional and minimally invasive techniques for the best outcomes.

Hybrid cardiac surgery at Kauvery Hospital combines the benefits of traditional open-heart surgery and minimally invasive techniques to treat complex cardiac conditions.

This integrated approach allows surgeons to perform simultaneous procedures, such as combining catheter-based interventions with surgical repairs, in a single operation.

Hybrid surgeries are conducted in specially equipped operating rooms that facilitate both surgical and interventional procedures. This method offers significant advantages, including reduced operative times, fewer complications, and enhanced patient recovery.

It is particularly beneficial for patients requiring multiple cardiac interventions, as it minimises the need for separate surgeries and improves overall treatment outcomes.

Kauvery Hospital's MICS: Overview

At Kauvery Hospital, our commitment to advancing cardiac care is demonstrated by our cutting-edge Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) techniques. Using the latest technology, our expert team offers patients safer, more effective, and less invasive treatment options for various cardiac conditions.

Robotic-Assisted Cardiac Surgery

Robotic-assisted cardiac surgery at Kauvery Hospital uses advanced robotic systems to perform complex heart procedures with unprecedented precision.

This approach minimises the need for large incisions, resulting in less trauma to the body and quicker recovery times. The robotic system translates the surgeon's movements into smaller, more precise actions using miniaturised instruments, improving accuracy and reducing the risk of complications.

Patients benefit from shorter hospital stays, reduced pain, and faster return to daily activities.

Robotic-assisted techniques are particularly effective for mitral valve repairs, coronary artery bypass grafting, and other intricate cardiac surgeries, providing a high degree of safety and efficiency.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)

VATS provides a minimally invasive alternative for thoracic surgeries.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) at Kauvery Hospital is a state-of-the-art technique used for various thoracic and cardiac procedures.

This minimally invasive method involves using a thoracoscope – a thin tube with a camera – inserted through small incisions in the chest. The thoracoscope provides a high-definition view of the heart and surrounding structures, allowing surgeons to perform complex procedures without needing large, open-chest surgery.

VATS significantly reduces postoperative pain, lowers the risk of infection, and accelerates the healing process.

It's an ideal choice for procedures like lobectomies, mediastinal tumour excisions, and certain types of cardiac surgeries, offering patients a safer and more comfortable surgical experience.

Hybrid Cardiac Surgery

This kind of surgery combines traditional and minimally invasive techniques for the best outcomes.

Hybrid cardiac surgery at Kauvery Hospital combines the benefits of traditional open-heart surgery and minimally invasive techniques to treat complex cardiac conditions.

This integrated approach allows surgeons to perform simultaneous procedures, such as combining catheter-based interventions with surgical repairs, in a single operation.

Hybrid surgeries are conducted in specially equipped operating rooms that facilitate both surgical and interventional procedures. This method offers significant advantages, including reduced operative times, fewer complications, and enhanced patient recovery.

It is particularly beneficial for patients requiring multiple cardiac interventions, as it minimises the need for separate surgeries and improves overall treatment outcomes.

Meet Our Expert Doctors

Our renowned Surgeons are available round the clock to ensure your heart is most healthy.

Your cardiac health and well-being is the top priority of our expert cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.

FAQs: Your Guide to Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS)

What is the difference between minimally invasive cardiac surgery and open-heart surgery?

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery involves smaller incisions and specialized equipment, while open-heart surgery requires a large incision through the breastbone.

What are the advantages of choosing minimally invasive cardiac surgery over traditional approaches?

Benefits include shorter recovery times, reduced pain and scarring, lower risk of infection, and quicker return to normal activities.

What types of heart conditions can be treated using minimally invasive techniques?

This approach can address a range of conditions, including coronary artery disease, valve disorders, atrial septal defects, and more.

What is the success rate of minimally invasive heart surgery?

Minimally invasive heart surgery generally has a high success rate, often around 95% for procedures like mitral valve repair, with lower complication rates compared to traditional open-heart surgery.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with minimally invasive cardiac surgery?

While less invasive, there are still potential risks such as bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding structures, and complications related to anesthesia.

Will I have any visible scars after undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery

Incisions for minimally invasive cardiac surgery are smaller, resulting in less noticeable scars compared to traditional surgery.

What diagnostic tests are necessary before determining if I'm a candidate for minimally invasive cardiac surgery?

Prior to determining candidacy, diagnostic tests such as echocardiograms, cardiac catheterization, and imaging scans may be necessary to assess heart function and anatomy.

What is the cost of minimally invasive cardiac surgery in Bangalore?

Costs can vary depending on factors like hospital, surgeon's fees, and specific procedure performed. It's best to consult with healthcare providers for accurate pricing.

Why is minimally invasive surgery preferred?

Patients often prefer this approach due to its reduced pain, shorter recovery times, and less disruption to daily life.

What is the aftercare for such a surgery?

After surgery, patients will receive instructions on wound care, medication management, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments to monitor recovery and ensure optimal outcomes.

Experience the future of cardiac surgery with Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) at Kauvery Hospital. Schedule a consultation with our expert cardiac surgeons today.

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