Arthroplasty Treatments | Care & Treatment| Kauvery Hospitals
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Arthroplasty Treatments and Procedures

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Arthroplasty Treatments and Procedures

Kauvery Hospital is the top hip replacement hospital in Bengaluru offering best treatment, state-of-the-art diagnosis, and rehabilitation for all types of musculoskeletal conditions. Furthermore, our hospital offers excellent medical care and rehabilitation services. We have a professional team of staff that are available 24x7.

Joint Replacement Surgery

The common Joint replacements done are the HIP and the KNEE (THR and TKR).

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

It is a safe procedure that corrects leg deformities and helps the patient resume normal activities. Total knee replacement surgery is generally called knee arthroplasty. Kauvery Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Bengaluru known for its excellent orthopedic care, especially in total knee replacement and hip replacement surgeries.

Total Hip Replacement Surgery

It is also known as total hip arthroplasty. It is a surgery for replacing the hip joint usually is performed either under local anaesthesia or epidural anaesthesia. In this surgery, damaged cartilage and bone are removed and replaced with hip prosthetics that are made of plastic, metal, or ceramic.

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